Uri Spring 2020 2120 Calendar. New year's Day - Campus Closed. Key dates (applies to all sessions).
Public Invited to the Sakonnet Point Club Summer Trunk ... (Virginia Ortiz)
Start of Spring Term Classes begin. UCF is postponing registration for the summer and fall semesters by one week. No student parking in faculty/staff lots.
This deadline is prorated for flexibly scheduled sections.
It is a withdrawal and you will be refunded according to the prorated withdrawal refund percentages given on the academic calendar and the Fiscal Services Webpage.
Ethan McNerney Photography: Blog
Casuyo, Pepi e Antonio Policrici: Buenos Aires, Argentina:
Photo tour: Beautiful Rhode Island
Ethan McNerney Photography: Blog
Striper Migration Map - May 19, 2017 - On The Water
Sylvia Plath Info: Sylvia Plath in Venice
Pingree - School Directory
Rhode Island Frank Manfedi adv. specialties & calendars ...
Modified dates are in italicized red font. Advising, registration and schedule adjustments Classes begin; schedule adjustments. Students must have a valid application on file to register.