Find My Nc Court Date Query By Defendant Name. Nc Court Dates By Defendant Name Query : How Do I Find My Court Date If I Don't Have My The nc court dates by defendant name query is the very best reminder. You also can find a court date by visiting the location where the case will be heard and asking the clerk for court date information.
The defendant must have the following information: full name and date of birth, or date of arrest, or docket number.
A gathering calendar is ideal for Search for information by county, defendant name, district or superior court. http: Wake County.
North Carolina provides an online citation query to help you find details about your lost traffic ticket Fortunately, don't need the citation number; you can search by the defendant's name (that's you). You also can find a court date by visiting the location where the case will be heard and asking the clerk for court date information. Calendars Home Civil Calendars Criminal Calendars Citation Query by Citation Number Citation Query by Defendant Name District and Superior Court Query Impaired Driving Query Statewide Officer Court Appearance Query Superior Find a lawyer near you.