Wake County District Court Calendar Dated 11 8 2021. District Courts in the Following Counties are Not Included at This Time: Adams, Arthur, Blaine, Buffalo, Douglas, Grant, Hall, Keya Paha, Lancaster, Logan, McPherson, Phelps, and Webster. It is published as three separate calendars, with the dates that are relevant for Criminal, Traffic, and Civil cases respectively included.
Cases of public interest in Wake County are updated on a regular basis.
Any cases which are added or removed from these calendars after their publication date will not be reflected on this website.
Official webpage of the Koochiching County District Court, located in International Falls, MN. The Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) is a public school district located in Wake County, North Carolina. New: Check the District Civil Courts Calendar of Future Scheduled Settings (pdf) to find the best time to schedule your hearing.