Sunrise And Sunset Calendar 2021. Sunrise and sunset times for any location in the U. Selected Major World Cities & Places of Interest.
Shortly after Microsoft acquired Sunrise Calendar, the company said it would incorporate most of the calendar's features into Outlook, and then "The entire Sunrise team is now working side by side with the Outlook team and it's a thrilling moment for us to work on an app of this scale," the Sunrise team.
This function computes sunrise and sunset times from any location on Earth (latitude, longitude and altitude), for a given date and timezone.
Selecting "Yes" in the Daylight Saving field will cause the resulting sunrise, sunset and solar noon times to be adjusted forward one hour. This time of year, besides trying to figure out how to take pictures on gray days, I also like to start planning for when the sun will come out. Sunrise and sunset times computer. by Dominic Ford.