Liturgy Of The Hours Calendar. Liturgy According to the Church's ancient tradition, the sacraments are not celebrated on Good Friday nor Holy Saturday. "Celebration of the Lord's Passion," traditionally known as the "Mass of the Presanctified," (although it is not a mass) is usually celebrated around three o'clock in the afternoon. There is a misperception that the Liturgy of the Hours is just for ordained or vowed religious, but We call it a liturgy because it is a public prayer of the Church (like Mass or the other Sacraments), which includes hymns, psalms, readings, and prayers according to the liturgical calendar.
Since ancient times Christians adopted the Jewish custom of setting apart specific times of the day for prayer.
The Liturgy of the Hours is meant to be a prayer encompassing the entire Body of Christ: clergy, religious and laity.
The Great Fast Sunday Evening Vespers - Daily Matins - Third and Sixth Hour - Great Compline Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - see the Presanctified books for propers. This calendar is used by authors of ordines and other liturgical aids published to foster the celebration of the liturgy in our country. We recently received the following information from the Internantional Commission on English in the Liturgy, regarding some new versions of the hymns for the Liturgy of the Hours.