2020 Gcu Academic Calendar. Some programs, including Cornell Tech, Johnson MBA Programs, Law, and Vet have different academic calendars. Academic calendars are subject to change without notice.
Please review the respective sites for specifics. Note: For a list of registration-related deadlines during a semester or session, please see the appropriate Registration Deadlines Calendar. Check term dates, announcement dates and public holidays here at any time of year.
Click here for a PDF version of this calendar.
Any changes to these dates, including adjustments in light of the UK and Scottish Government's social distancing measures during.
Applicable to: Trinity College of Arts & Sciences; The Pratt School of Engineering; The Nicholas School of the Environment; The Graduate School; The Sanford School of Public Policy; The School of Nursing. Ensure you are using the current academic year's Academic Catalog and not an archived Catalog. On this web page, you will be able to find registration dates, policies and deadlines.